Exercise guides

Looking for some expert points of performance? Coach planned an exercise you’ve never heard of? Want to spice up your increasingly stale shoulder days? Look no further. TrainHeroic’s exercise guides are written by expert coaches for you.


How To Zercher Squat: One Exercise To Rule Them All

I have a secret weapon exercise that will get us really close; it has a lot of bang for its buck. It builds massive quads, big glutes, a wide back, and some awesome biceps. Exactly what every athlete needs.

Top 6 Exercises for Managing Shoulder Injuries

What to Do for an Injured Shoulder After 6 years of coaching at the highest levels across multiple disciplines, the most common issues I see in my sports therapy clinic have to do with the shoulder. Statistics show us that shoulders are the most commonly injured area...

3 Killer Kettlebell Mobility Exercises for Your Shoulders

Let’s face it: sometimes your shoulders feel rickety even on good days. But overhead mobility and good upper body articulation is so important for everyday life — it pays major dividends to dedicate some time to working on your shoulder strength through all ranges of...

How to Do Incline Bench for Meat Slab Pecs

Think incline bench is just another bodybuilding accessory lift? Well, it is. But it’s also a killer strength builder for your entire upper body, including the largest muscle — your pecs. Incline bench is done at an angle between flat bench and standing strict press,...

How to Master Kipping Handstand Push Ups

Handstands are a gymnastic staple, but unless you took to gymnastics as a kid, they’re not easy to learn. Holding a freestanding handstand for just one minute can take years to perfect, but even the less gymnastically-inclined athlete can learn to do handstand push...

The Benefits of Bodyweight Training

While fancy new gym equipment and trendy fitness classes come grand go, we’ll always have a tool that we can exercise with at any time and in any place: Our own bodies. Improve Your Strength & Body Awareness Without Using Weights Bodyweight training — aka...

Kettlebell Training for Strength & Conditioning

Kettlebells are funny-looking in the world of fitness equipment, but they’re insanely useful for building your strength and conditioning. We’d argue it’s necessary to learn how to use them properly. In the spirit of spreading valuable information, here’s a piece from...

Farmer’s Walks & Carries Tips From a Strongman Pro

It's no secret that carrying heavy things will net you serious strength gains. Are you ready to get farmer strong? Check out some solid tips on farmer's walks and carries in this blog!  Fred Ormerod is a freelance coach, army reserve medic, nurse, master’s student,...

The Clean and Jerk: Breaking Down the Phases

The clean and jerk is a complex and technical weightlifting movement that requires a solid level of skill and strength. It is a two-part lift that involves lifting a barbell from the ground to the shoulders (the clean), then locking out the barbell overhead (the...

How To Execute The Perfect Barbell Row

Barbell rows are a pretty essential movement for building a strong back, and a strong back is often the foundation of a quality athlete. Is your row form on point? Jayden Pollard is a passionate powerbuilder (powerlifting bodybuilder) with a background in strength...
How to Do Incline Bench for Meat Slab Pecs

How to Do Incline Bench for Meat Slab Pecs

Think incline bench is just another bodybuilding accessory lift? Well, it is. But it’s also a killer strength builder for your entire upper body, including the largest muscle — your pecs. Incline bench is done at an angle between flat bench and standing strict press,...

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The Benefits of Bodyweight Training

The Benefits of Bodyweight Training

While fancy new gym equipment and trendy fitness classes come grand go, we’ll always have a tool that we can exercise with at any time and in any place: Our own bodies. Improve Your Strength & Body Awareness Without Using Weights Bodyweight training — aka...

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How To Execute The Perfect Barbell Row

How To Execute The Perfect Barbell Row

Barbell rows are a pretty essential movement for building a strong back, and a strong back is often the foundation of a quality athlete. Is your row form on point? Jayden Pollard is a passionate powerbuilder (powerlifting bodybuilder) with a background in strength...

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Nordic Hamstring Curls For Dummies

Nordic Hamstring Curls For Dummies

“These are hard as shit!” -Molly, our content editor when modeling the Nordic hamstring curl. If you've ever tried them, you can confirm. If you've heard of Nordics but never done them, or tried them only to flop on your belly a few times, this blog is for you.  Fred...

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Build a Bigger Bench Press With These 5 Steps

Build a Bigger Bench Press With These 5 Steps

Let’s face it: bench press has never felt like your thing. It’s always hard, even “light” weights feel impossible, and you don’t seem to progress on it like you do with other lifts. If you really want to hit a new bench PR, you’ll need to attack it from some different...

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Looking for some Monday motivation? How about a new training session to shake things up a bit?

TrainHeroic’s Instagram is for for athletes, by athletes. We share news and notes on the latest in the strength game, valuable training insights and tips from thought leaders in the fitness game, exercise guides, sample training sessions and more.

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Made with love, sweat, protein isolate and hard work in Denver, CO

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